Santa Cruzin’
“The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say” -J.R.R. Tolkien

Vegas, Virgina and Viewpoints
I’m a total nut. No need for jelly. My weekends have been jam packed with Vegas and Virginia trips.

A Facebook Holiday Party
“Well the first days are the hardest days, don’t you worry any more.” Just as life goes, things have started to settle and the feeling of a comfortable home have quietly emerged. It’s all in the time, it seems.

Traveling Troubles, Travails & Tips
With an affinity for adventure and an appetite for the uncertain, I grabbed my carry on and flew east for Thanksgiving.

Booking it to the Bay Area
Hey friends! I’ve been kicking it in the San Francisco bay area for the past 2 weeks starting my new job at…Facebook!

NamaSTAY in Wanderlust
Last week, I left Atlanta to meet one of my new besties from Israel in Austin for one stretched out weekend.

The Other Side of Travel
Glorified walks, enriching talks Lifetime ladies who rock my socks When detail fails, arts prevails…

Chocolate Chip Rookies
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, beach, california, comfort food, Cooking, Dessert, Dessert recipe, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, Inspiration, party, peace, pinterest beach, california, climbing, hiking, mindfulness, nature, sailing, san francisco, sf, water, yoga
I’ve got a treat for you.

Santa Cruzin’
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, beach, Best post, california, Charlottesville, comfort food, Fitness, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, Marvelous, party, peace, pinterest, questions, Restaurants, Richmond, self-love, skinny, UVA, vacation, Virginia, yoga beach, california, Cville, Family, friends, mindful, musings, Richmond, thoughts, Virginia, yoga
“The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say” -J.R.R. Tolkien

a little side note
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, california, Health and Fitness, Inspiration, Lean In, Marvelous, Mindfulness, peace, pinterest, yoga hiking, ideas, life, love, nature, thoughts
Carl Casper:”I’m fucking lost.” Molly:”That’s a good place to start.” -Chef

Vegas, Virgina and Viewpoints
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, brunch, california, Charlottesville, Dessert, Facebook, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, holiday, Lean In, Marvelous, Mindfulness, party, peace, vacation, Virginia Charlottesville, Cville, ideas, mind, mindful, musings, thoughts, travel, Vegas, Virginia
I’m a total nut. No need for jelly. My weekends have been jam packed with Vegas and Virginia trips.

It’s the Remedy
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, california, Dessert, Facebook, Fitness, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, Inspiration, peace, self-love exercise, Facebook, fitness, fun, play, running, Work
Sometimes life be like…

Th15 is Our Year
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, brunch, comfort food, DC, Food, Health and Fitness, holiday, Mindfulness, party, peace, UVA, vacation, Virginia Christmas, christmas eve, fun, holiday, home, nye, Virginia

A Facebook Holiday Party
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, breakfast, brunch, california, comfort food, Dessert, Facebook, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, instagram, Lean In, Mindfulness, party, peace, self-love, yoga california, Christmas, Facebook, fun, holiday party, Holidays, party, travel
“Well the first days are the hardest days, don’t you worry any more.” Just as life goes, things have started to settle and the feeling of a comfortable home have quietly emerged. It’s all in the time, it seems.

Traveling Troubles, Travails & Tips
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, breakfast, california, Charlottesville, Facebook, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, holiday, Lean In, Mindfulness, party, peace, Richmond, social media, Thanksgiving, UVA, Virginia, wine, yoga Family, flying, friends, inspiration, inspire, love, mindfulness, motivation, tips, yoga
With an affinity for adventure and an appetite for the uncertain, I grabbed my carry on and flew east for Thanksgiving.

Booking it to the Bay Area
The Zen Kat America, beauty, california, Facebook, Fitness, fun, Health and Fitness, Thanksgiving california, exercise, Facebook, job, runninge, travel
Hey friends! I’ve been kicking it in the San Francisco bay area for the past 2 weeks starting my new job at…Facebook!

NamaSTAY in Wanderlust
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, brunch, comfort food, Dessert, Fitness, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, Inspiration, Mexican, Mindfulness, party, peace, self-love, texas, wine, yoga austin, buddhism, exercise, fitness, fun, Israel, katie, mindful, party, texas, travel, w hotel, wanderlust, yoga
Last week, I left Atlanta to meet one of my new besties from Israel in Austin for one stretched out weekend.

The Other Side of Travel
The Zen Kat 20-somethings, America, brunch, comfort food, Food, fun, Health and Fitness, Mindfulness, peace, Restaurants, yoga anica, atl, atlanta, brunch, Caroline, comfort food, food, friends, fun, handstand, house sitting, mindfulness, questions, thoughts, travel, yoga
Glorified walks, enriching talks Lifetime ladies who rock my socks When detail fails, arts prevails…