Wake up and go
Sometimes, you just have to jump on your task. And by jump and task, I mean sluggishly crawl out of bed and force yourself to the gym. It’s never an easy thing to do. Ever.
But I have to say, the less time I spend complaining about having to trek it to the gym in the morning, the better. I quickly brush my teeth, wash my face, jump into workout clothes, and go.

Once I’m in the gym, I feel a little better. I check off my cardio and my eyes are a little wider. If it’s a weights day, I finish up, fly out of the gym and I’m done. It’s crazy how little time I spend in the gym for how much I dread waking up for it. So I’ve started focusing on how great I feel after completing a workout so early in the day.

I’m training my brain to focus on the outcome and less on the current action. Of course, sometimes it’s best to stay in the moment like going for a mid-day walk outside when the weather’s nice.

Are you more often focused on the moment or the future?
Have an awesome day!