Tips for Staying Fit
This morning, I was chatting with my Mom and she was giving me some great advice on staying fit and trim through the holiday season. Here are some of her helpful tips:
- Drink lots of water throughout the day (sometimes we may think we are hungry when really, we are just thirsty)
- Always look your best to boost your confidence. It’s a lot easier to say no to that extra dougnut when you look good.
- Monitor your carbs (Not a la South Beach Diet but rather reduce your carbs to once a day)
- Utilize the buddy system. My mom and I are working together this week to support each other to eat healthfully.
Thanks Mom! 🙂
After a good workout this morning, I was feeling invigorated and ready to take on my week of healthy eating. (And by healthy eating, I mean good foods AND desserts. Please, like I could go a day without chocolate.) I woke up feeling good this morning. Last night, I made a hearty salad for dinner and a half of a sweet potato. I ate around 7:00pm and went to bed around 11:00pm. There is definitely something to be said about going to sleep with an empty stomach. I always wake up feeling clean and ready to eat workout.

My greens weren’t very fresh last night so I used lots of toppings to add a punch. Greens aren’t cheap and brown so quickly. I’m still looking for tips to combat this little issue. Any tips would be great! 🙂

Last night’s movie was pretty entertaining. I noticed that focusing on a movie kept me away from obsessing over desserts. In fact, I skipped dessert last night! I was going to eat a Ghiradelli peppermint bark chocolate square but I never got around to eating it. Who am I? If you are a fan of peppermint bark, I’d definitely recommend getting a bag of these sweets. There’s something about the strong peppermint that makes me only want a couple of these and no more.

Alright, I’m off to work and staying focused on my healthy week ahead. Happy Monday!
Interesting Articles on Health and Fitness:
- The Skinny on Whole Grains – WebMD
- Best Trainer Nutritional Tips – FitSugar
- Fat-Burning Foods – WebMD