The Wedding in the Keys
This is for the 13 year old who’s anxiously awaiting 9th grade. The soon to be newly wed. That enthusiastic woman who’s celebrating her 10th 55th birthday. Everyone.
You are not only enough, you are wonderful just as you are.

The first step is believing in yourself.
Put good out in the world and it will return to you.
Help others. Be kind. Understand life changes and be patient with yourself.
And above all else, forget the haters cuz’ somebody loves yaaaa!
I’ll never forget when my childhood bestie’s now wife casually said that italicized quote above over dinner in Atlanta several years ago when discussing life and the choices we make and the things we do.

She’s an absolute beauty queen with the brains of a genius. And he is obviously equally amazing – smart, artistic and all the things!

We’ve been friends since we were 4 years old. I would literally call his house every day asking to play outside. We’d ride bikes, build forts, play legos…

To this day I brag that my childhood bestie is now an architect so you can only imagine the awesome forts and lego houses he built for us.

Ten, yes 1-0 years ago, Andrew started dating Katie and they became such a perfect fun couple. They’re amazing and it goes without saying that their wedding in the Keys was everything and more!

I could seriously go on about these two. They’re such a blast to be around and care about every person in their life. Couple goals all the way and then some. <3

“Where there is love there is life.”

Nothing like partying it up with neighbors.

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” -W. Feather

How lucky are we to have friends that feel like family?
Major key
Congrats Andrew & Katie!

So for anyone out there feeling lonely or unsure of their relationship, know that the right person (or maybe you’re better off solo and that’s groovy too) is out there for ya. Be confident in yourself.

Maybe the right person is a delicious meal.

Or the creature in the background.

Side note, those amphibian creatures in the Keys are aggressive and cannot take a hint.
So remember, life is a journey and don’t forget to celebrate yourself along the way.

Love yall!