Eating for Taste
Good afternoon! I’m currently enjoying a very hot (in temperature and spice) bowl of soup.

I made this soup on Monday and it’s filled with vegetables, including mushrooms and onions. I don’ t actually like mushrooms so I’m kind of forcing myself to eat the little critters. Mushrooms weird me out. They always have but I know they are healthy and I wanted more veggies in my soup. Now, if only desserts weirded me out instead of mushrooms. 😉
Anyways, I got a pretty good nutrition tip from my lovely boyfriend Lee. The other weekend, I was looking at his pantry (it should be called a closet with two items of food really) and noticed he had a bunch of the same types of foods. Three bags of twisted pretzels. Two boxes of Kashi Go Lean. Doesn’t that sound boring? Well Lee said that it’s of course easier to buy the same foods but he also said that when he has food that he doesn’t absolutely love or eat for taste, it makes him question whether he is really hungry or if he just wants to eat to enjoy. What a brilliant man he is. I’ll take self-control in bulk, please. 🙂
I like Lee’s idea because it definitely makes since. Lately, I haven’t been buying chips and desserts. I haven’t been buying processed foods though! Shout out to my Mom who is giving up desserts for a week! How’s it going so far?
Question of the day: What tips and tricks do you use to avoid eating for taste?