Microwavable Protein Brownie
Ok! Switching it up a bit from all the deep thinking to a little more sweetness. 🙂

Age Births Wisdom
If there’s something you want that you don’t yet have, it’s because it’s not the right time.

New Year, New View
Crazy thing. I was in a meeting the other day about to write off a proposed solution due to lack of understanding.

Intention Improves Ingenuity
You know how some people jump quickly from topic to topic which makes you feel as though he or she is a bit scatter brained?

What a wonderful Wedding
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” -Lao Tzu


Microwavable Protein Brownie
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness dessert, dessert recipe, recipe
Ok! Switching it up a bit from all the deep thinking to a little more sweetness. 🙂

Age Births Wisdom
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness
If there’s something you want that you don’t yet have, it’s because it’s not the right time.

Adventuring Through the Philippines
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness adventure, travel, vacation
Yo, guess what?

New Year, New View
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness
Crazy thing. I was in a meeting the other day about to write off a proposed solution due to lack of understanding.

Intention Improves Ingenuity
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness
You know how some people jump quickly from topic to topic which makes you feel as though he or she is a bit scatter brained?

Writer’s Block is Only a Phase
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness
Just dropping by to say I have a touch of writers block.

What a wonderful Wedding
The Zen Kat Health and Fitness, wedding wedding
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” -Lao Tzu