Yoga Your Morning
I woke up this morning and decided to forgo the gym in favor of a living room yoga video. It was really nice not having to jerk myself awake and persuade myself to complete a strenuous cardio workout at the gym. Something about practicing yoga in the morning makes waking up a lot easier.

I walked downstairs in search for a little snack to wake me up before completing a yoga series. I wanted a bowl of oatmeal but didn’t want to have to wait for my meal to digest or feel overly full during yoga. So naturally, I opted for about a tablespoon of peanut butter.

I also had a small glass of almond milk. (I prefer the vanilla flavor which taste like a light milk shake to me.)

It’s definitely not easy to motivate myself to do yoga on my own. I definitely would rather practice yoga in a traditional class setting but it’s hard to justify paying and driving to classes when I’ve got so many free videos on Comcast. (If you have Comcast or Fios, there are tons of free fitness workout videos on Demand. Even if you don’t have these cable packages, there are lots of videos online as well.)
To help motivate myself to do living room yoga, I:

Sometimes, I’ll give myself a few minutes to get warmed up with a light stretch while watching the E! Channel news. 😉
For me, it’s always difficult working out in the morning so finding new approaches, like morning yoga instead of cardio, is deemed a success. Because it’s the holiday season and I fully intend to veg out and eat my heart out eat lots of good food in moderation, I am trying to amp up my cardio. So, I plan to go on a run this evening with my roommate to balance out my workout.
Namaste and happy Monday!
Some good websites for at home yoga videos: