Weekend Wonderland
Hope everyone had a great weekend. I went to Lynchburg for the weekend and although it is a little over an hour of a drive, the view is really pretty.

I didn’t get any exercise on Saturday but it was nice to have a relaxing wonderland-like weekend. 🙂
Now I’m back home and after unpacking and getting organized, it’s workout time. I’m about to brave the cold (okay, so it’s in the low 50s but still!) and go for a run. Running is not my favorite and never really has been but the after affects are what bring me back. I’m going to plug in my iTunes and try to make an hour run. Here we go!
For anyone that needs a little boost to get in a run, I’d recommend buying some colorful (or whatever your style) workout clothes. It’s a lot more exciting and encouraging to thrown on work out clothes that you like.

Happy relaxing Sunday! 🙂