Thanksgiving Countdown
Two days until one of the greatest holidays of the year… Thanksgiving! I’m definitely looking forward to the sweet potato casserole (and the turkey and the stuffing and really everything else for that matter). Thanksgiving is definitely an indulgent holiday and I plan to do my share of partaking. 🙂

Okay but just to be prepared, here is FitSugar’s Thanksgiving Detox Tips to use for the day after. (I may not make it to the gym but hey, black Friday shopping counts, right?)
Speaking of home cooked food, I had my spaghetti squash last night for dinner and it was pretty good. I don’t think I cooked it all the way because it had a bit of a crunch to it instead of being soft like pasta. I didn’t have any sauce so I just added cheese and walaa!

After dinner, I cooked the seeds from my spaghetti squash. I wasn’t exactly sure how or if they would turn out but they were actually delicious. I drained them in a collander and got rid of all the squash reminants. From there, I threw in a dollop of olive oil and sprinkled some salt, pepper, and a touch of garlic powder. I mixed the ingredients in and then put the seeds on a piece of foil paper on a cookie sheet and cooked them just under 20 minutes.

I was feeling rather crafty in the kitchen so I made chocolate pretzel sandwiches for dessert. These treats are so easy to make. Just take a hershey kiss and put it on top of a window pretzel, pop in the oven for 5 minutes until its just slightly melted, and then plop the other pretzel down to make a cute lil’ sandwich. From there, refredgerate your treats for an hour or so and then pop in your mouth and enjoy.

No work out this morning so I plan to hit the gym this evening before dinner time. I’m curious to see how my workout will compare to my typical AM workout. We shall see. Have a good Tuesday!
Interesting articles:
- Exercise and chores that help your health – New York Times
- Motivators to get through the holidays – FitSugar