The Rejuvenation
Hi! I’m out sick today with bronchitis. If anyone is still feeling under the weater, I would recommend lots of rest and if you feel unusually uncomfortable, go to the doctor. I hate the doctor but sometimes, you just got to go! (Go for the Zpack if nothing else.)

I’ve been super inactive this weekend, trying to rejuvenate my body andΒ focus on getting over this winter sickness. This would probably be a great time to do some reading and yoga stretching but I think laziness wins for me.

Sometimes you’ve just got to listen to your body. For me, my mind often wants to be lazy and skip a workout but there’s definitely a difference between our minds and bodies. When my mind wants to skip a workout, I have to make sure I’m physically up for a workout, which I usually am!
Since I’ve been out of the gym for a few days, I’ve had plenty of time to indulge! This weekend, we went to my Aunt’s house and she made a wonderful feast for dinner with plenty of desserts. π

I ate more than my fair share of hearty entrees and delectables for dessert. I’m sick so it’s okay, right? π

After so much food that Saturday evening, I was not hungry again until Sunday afternoon. I think my body spent more time breaking down all of this food than it did trying to get me back to healthy. :/
I also enjoyed a hard eggnog, hoping it would help with my cough.

Thank you guys for all of your tips and tricks to battling sicknesses! You’re the best. π And with that, I leave you with this hillarious video about a lady who “got no time for bronchitis.” Oh, and a cute picture of my Aunt’s dog. π