The Holidays and Hammering out Workouts
Happy holidays! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Good food and family- what else could you ask for? đ

I was in charge of making the sweet potato casserole. (I think I was given this task because I’m the only one that really likes it.) I used a recipe online that called for yams, butter, brown sugar, marshmallows, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Yum!

The meal was definitely a success! Thanks to my mom and my grandma, all dishes were delicious and we all had a great time!

So all of that eating almost required a workout. I know Thanksgiving is the perfect day to rest but my family is pretty heavy into fitness. Its’s perfect for me because I always know I’ll have a running buddy when I’m home. My dad and I decided to hit the pavement before eating breakfast around 8am. We decided a run was necessary so that we could enjoy endless amounts of turkey, stuffing, and desserts!

We went for just over an hour run around the neighborhood. My dad (and mom!) are in great shape and I definitely had to work to keep up with him during certain parts of our run. I hope to be as in shape as my parents are when I’m their age.
I decided to take it easy Friday and opted for a laid back walk outside with my mom. We walked for 45 minutes and it was an enjoyable low key way to get some added cardio. Oh, and I definitely count our Black Friday shopping early that morning as cardio! (Hey if Carrie Bradshaw says it, it’s gotta be so!) đ

With a sweet tooth like mine, any cardio is worth it! đ

I definitely did not pass up on all the different desserts at my parents’. We had pumpkin pie, chocolate pie, apple cake (but no apple pie!), apricot squares, pecan cookies, and a tripple chip cookie that I made per request from my father. So much deliciousness!

Just be ware, the tripple chip cookies are very sweet and delicious!

To work off even more delicious desserts and Thanksgiving leftover lunches, I decided to hit the gym full force on Saturday. I did 30 minutes on the beast, AKA the Stairmaster followed by some upper body weights and abs. After my workout, it was time to watch the UVA v VT game to route on the Hoos! (Sadly, the Hoos lost but it was definitely a good game!)

After the game, it was time for me to head back to good ole’ Charlottesville. I was sad to leave my family but happy that we had such a great time together.

I got back to Charlottesville in the early evening to see my boyfriend for the holidays. We went to our favorite restaurant Vinny’s Italian Grill! After dinner, we picked up some Christmas break and bake cookies to have for our dessert. (I was also able to pick up a few essentials at the grocery store like eggs, almond milk, egg whites, and some gum.) We made these delicious Christmas cookies and then watched the movie Elf.

We enjoyed our cookies, Christmas tunes, and Elf. It was definitely a great way to end an exciting holiday weekend. After my boyfriend left on Sunday, I decided to head over to the gym. I was feeling so sluggish today so I went pretty easy in the gym. I did about 10 minutes of incline walking on the tredmil followed by 10 minutes on the elliptical. Then, I did 3 sets of 10 sit ups upside-down and 10 squats. I was definitely happy to get that workout over with since I was so sleepy!

These new added pieces really help motivate me for my workout- or at least help me just get out of the door! Whatever it takes, right? I plugged in my iTunes and worked to get pumped up on Christmas tunes and the latest hits.

Now, I’m off to help deccorate our little appartment with Christmas cheer! We are very excited!

Have a great Sunday everyone! Love you Mom and Dad- you guys rawk!! xoxo
Here are some interesting follow up articles:
- Olympians share their motivational quotes – Women’s Health
- Work out Tips – Fitness magazine