Sticking to it
I’m not sure if it’s the holiday season or that I’ve been keeping busy but I’ve been really motivated this week to stay on track with my healthy eating goal (limiting my sweets and eating healthfully so I won’t feel so guilty after the holidays). My biggest trick that I’ve learned so far is to avoid eating late in the evening. I try to eat dinner and dessert no later than 8:00pm. I think the diet queen, Oprah once had a diet tip about this too. Anyways, this tip seems to really work for me when I’m maintaining a healthy diet throughout the day. Easier said than done, huh? I trick my by staying busy and telling myself, “Oh, I’ll indulge later.” Whatever works, right?
My dinner last night was another odd combination. I got my haircut after work so I had some dates before hand so I wouldn’t be a crabby client. 😉 I was hungry when I got home but for something small so I had a red and green mini feast. Okay, it was more orange than red, but it’s the holidays and it sounds better that way.

And the best part of the night was….

It had been too long since I’d had my mane beautified and let me tell you, there is nothing like getting a new do! Oh and hanging out with my roommate and going out for a bit were pretty cool, too!

We had tito to drink (a Spanish wine and soda combo) and it was really good! I only needed had one drink. 😉

Since we got back to our apartment around midnight, I decided to forgo the workout this morning. I’ll be hitting the gym this evening for sure.
Question of the day: How is everyone doing with their health and fitness goals right before the holidays?
Ho Ho Ho!