Running through Mondays
Good morning! I’m trying to be a little upbeat to get me through this Monday morning. I woke up a little sleepy this morning after not such a great sleep last night. After my run yesterday afternoon, I was having a sneezing fit. I may be allergic to something or just undergoing a minor cold.

Anyways, I had a great run yesterday. As I was running, I was trying to think of helpful tips to get through a run. I was never a runner in school (besides one year of track in high school) and have never really loved running but I do love the feeling after a run. Here’s a short list of running tips:
- pick a course to run so that you don’t give up too early
- it’s okay to check your water every couple minutes
- lie to yourself by saying “only 2 more minutes” if it helps
- jam out to music
- take some time to think and relax (sounds cliche but it’s actually nice to have some time to your thoughts-how ‘zen’ of me)
- focus on how great you will feel after it’s over
- and if nothing else, make yourself feel cool…

I found that running on a course or specific route makes it a lot easier to get the job done. My run yesterday began with a long downhill to return a RedBox movie. It was kind of like going on an adventure. If you live near stores, definitely try including an errand in your run. After returning the movie, I had already run for 20 minutes. So naturally, I told myself “I’m half way done!” (40 more minutes…30 more minutes..same thing, right?)

After my run, I did some yoga stretches and a quick ab workout. Then it was off to shower and enjoy the rest of my downtime on Sunday. I actually made spaghetti squash to have for dinner this week so I will report back on how it tastes and everything. 🙂

This morning, I made it to the gym for a quick elliptical workout followed by an ab workout. I got back to my apartment and had a mini whole wheat bagel with almond butter and apple butter. It was tasty.

I read an interesting article in the gym this morning about waking up early in the morning. I wanted to share a great tip that I’ve been using to help myself wake up earlier- turn the lights on so that your circadian rhythm knows it’s time to wake up.

Have a great Monday and the countdown for Thanksgiving begins! (If that isin’t exclamation point worthy, I don’t know what is)
Interesting articles:
- Why Hostess is going under– Time Magazine
- Weight and alcohol – Women’s Health Magazine