Good Morning gym, Goodbye bed
This morning I woke up and headed to the gym around 6:30am. I really have to commend all of your early bird workout folks because it is so difficult to do. I just love my bed too much. I must say I’m always so happy after my morning workout. It really gets my day going. […]

Banana Pancakes
Jack Johnson’s banana pancakes song has taken on a whole new meaning for me this morning!
A Workout and a Brownie
After over a week away from the gym and workouts, I was ready to get back to fit. I jumped on the elliptical for 30 minutes and it was great to actually get a good sweat session. I like to go forward for 5 minutes and then switch to backwards for 5 minutes for an […]
A Busy Weekend
Good morning! Whew what a busy weekend it’s been! Busy weekends are definitely my favorite. On Friday, Lee and I went out to dinner at West Main. I ordered the shrimp salad and he got a burger. I love shrimp in salads. The dressing was really good too. It was a chipotle ranch flare and […]
A New Kind of Salad Dressing
Happy Friday friends! I’m feeling pretty warm and satisfied after eating a bowl of hot oatmeal for breakfast. It really fills me up and makes me feel like I’m doing something right to be healthy! You can see my brown sugar sparkling on top. I added a little cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract. […]

Fresh or Canned
I loved reading everyone’s comments from my previous post. If anyone needs a little uplifting, check them out! After an early morning workout, I came home to a bowl of oats with grapefruit on the side. I used 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and honey. A few months ago, I never […]
Life as a 20-something
Many of us struggle through life, especially in youth. It’s a funny thing really. We’re told that the 20-something period is an amazing part of life, yet, it’s so easy to fidget and wish time away in hopes of finding clarity. I often find myself doing this. Over the weekend, I was thinking about how […]
Throw it Together
When it comes to cooking, I rarely measure ingredients. I’m more of a throw-it-all-together and hope for the best type of cook. I like perusing Pinterest to get ideas for recipes. But actually. Often times, I’ll find a great flavor combination, like adding pesto to a salad, and create my own version of a recipe. […]