A Workout and a Brownie
After over a week away from the gym and workouts, I was ready to get back to fit. I jumped on the elliptical for 30 minutes and it was great to actually get a good sweat session. I like to go forward for 5 minutes and then switch to backwards for 5 minutes for an extra challenge. Once I checked off my cardio, I moved into a circuit workout. I recently became a Tribesports blog partner and decided to try out last week’s featured workout.
I liked this workout although I wasn’t very good about following the rules. I’ll blame my hike on Sunday because my legs were sore so I tried to go easy on them during this challenge. Instead of lunge walks, I did in-place lunges. I also switched out the toe touches for push ups because I prefer to do abs at the end of my workout. And finally, I did light squats with bicep curls for the final exercise. Hm, this looks suspiciously like a whole new workout. I tend to use workouts like this more as a guide to create a personal workout for myself. I finished up with a bunch of crunches and even a little stretching. I’ve been trying to incorporate more stretching because it’s so easy to forget or skip in favor of going home.
Once I got back to my apartment, I wasn’t very hungry (working out always makes me lose my appetite- does this happen to anyone else?) I knew I should eat something so I made a plate of veggies and enjoyed every bit!

Once I finished dinner and watching the first episode of Girls with my roommate, I got some laundry done and wrote my thank you notes from the holidays. (Better late than never, right?) Keeping busy helped me stay out of the kitchen and away from desserts too. 🙂 But don’t worry, I still got a dessert in at the office earlier in the day…

One of the hardest parts about working in an office is trying to avoid all the delicious treats that my co-workers make from time to time. If it’s a big box of chocolates or something I know I’ll want a thousand of, then I won’t let myself have any, but if there is a limited amount and one or three will satisfy me, then I go for it!
Question of the day: Do you have a strategy to avoid eating 10 brownies or 20 handfuls of chips at the office or at a friend’s house?
Have a great day!