Tuesday Thoughts
No matter where you are or what you’re going through today… And… Because… So tell yourself…. Have a wonderful day! Going off of my 20-something post, here are 31 quotes about being in your 20s. 🙂

Fresh or Canned
I loved reading everyone’s comments from my previous post. If anyone needs a little uplifting, check them out! After an early morning workout, I came home to a bowl of oats with grapefruit on the side. I used 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and honey. A few months ago, I never […]
Life as a 20-something
Many of us struggle through life, especially in youth. It’s a funny thing really. We’re told that the 20-something period is an amazing part of life, yet, it’s so easy to fidget and wish time away in hopes of finding clarity. I often find myself doing this. Over the weekend, I was thinking about how […]
Throw it Together
When it comes to cooking, I rarely measure ingredients. I’m more of a throw-it-all-together and hope for the best type of cook. I like perusing Pinterest to get ideas for recipes. But actually. Often times, I’ll find a great flavor combination, like adding pesto to a salad, and create my own version of a recipe. […]
A Marvelous Cleanse?
buy generic cialis you can look here After a fun Thanksgiving holiday spent in West Virginia, it’s time to get back to work. Travels and fresh starts are most definitely causes for a Marvelous Monday.
How do you do Thanksgiving?
Twas the day before Thanksgiving, when all through the house Not a creature was eating, not even a mouse.
Pre-Thanksgiving Marvelousness
How about this short week for Thanksgiving? Definitely qualifier for a Marvelous Monday.