New Year New Resolutions?
I have no workouts scheduled for today. I’ll blame it on all of the travelling I’ve been doing and just feeling a little tired after being under the weather last week.

Maybe today is the least popular day of the year to workout since everyone is enjoying their last day free of resolutions. Speaking of which, do you have any New Year’s resolutions?

Just kidding, sort of. Anyways, I usually don’t make any big action-based resolutions like workout more or cut out desserts. (Yeah right, like I could ever give up cookies!) Instead, I strive to be a better person by being a more loving daughter, patient girlfriend, reliable friend, and just a rawkstar in life. 😉 To me, it’s not about setting a strict resolution but rather to continue striving to be a better person. Happy New Year everyone!
If you are making a fitness New Year’s resolution, definitely check out this article in the WSJ, The 27 Rules of Conquering the Gym that I found on Anne’s blog.