Lots of Cookie Dough
Good morning! This weekend I went home to visit my parents. They are both stellar cooks so I enjoyed myself!

I decided to get a little crafty for dessert and attempted to make a 5 minute chocolate cookie I found on Pinterest.
The consistency was a little off (probably because I used Greek yogurt in place of butter- oops!) but I thought it was pretty good. Just add rainbow sprinkles to a dessert and it’s bon apetite for me!

On Saturday, my Mom and I went to the YMCA and took a Zumba class. These classes are so fun and a great workout too! After that, we came home, showered, and went with my Dad to Costco and Trader Joe’s.

That evening, I went out to dinner with Lee and some of our friends.

On Sunday morning it was baking time, yet again! I made Lindsay’s cookie cake that I also found on Pinterest.

Then it was time to head back to Charlottesville. My roommate and I decided to make these grain-free protein cookies we found on Pinterest. (I think I may be overly obsessed with Pinterest!)

They were pretty good but I thought the garbanzo flavor was a little strong. (I’ve used white beans to make desserts before which yielded quite tasty results.)
After eating 2 of our cookies, I decided to eat dinner. A little backwards but whatever!
I’ve gone nacho crazy. After my favorite dinner, I had my favorite dessert- froyo!

It was a cookie dough filled weekend. 🙂
Hope everyone had a great weekend. Do something fun today to turn Monday from mundane to marvelous!