Jump start your morning
I tried something new this morning. I woke up half an hour earlier than I usually do so my alarm went off at 5:30 am! My philosophy is that I’m sleepy and tired no matter when my alarm goes off so why not just get it over with already. I’m not sure if I was confused or worried I’d sleep in but I got out of bed right when my alarm went off this morning, which is definitely not like me.

It was still dark outside so I fiddled around my room before walking over to the gym. After reading The Happiness Project, I decided to randomly take a page out of her book and de-clutter my closet. This sounds daunting but I’ve actually been in the habit of getting rid of unneeded or unused stuff for a little while now. I actually went through my closet a month ago or so but only ended up getting rid of 5-10 items. This time, I went in big. I got rid of a ton of stuff and after 20 minutes or so, I was all done and surprisingly more energized than I expected.

When I got to the gym, I was ready to do some kick-butt cardio. I hopped on the elliptical and got a sweat burning work out. It was great. After the gym, I had my overnight oatmeal for breakfast, showered, and got ready for work and the rest of the day.

I’m not sure if today was just a good day or perhaps I’m the type of person that needs a good 20 minutes to be awake before working out but something good happened. Tomorrow, I’ll get up early and get moving to see if this is a new trick I’ve uncovered and report back. 😉

For the dessert lovers out there, I’m trying to still indulge but focus on moderation. Yesterday after I went out to dinner (I met a few friends at a soup restaurant) I was really craving something sweet. I reached in my freezer and had some Ben & Jerry’s fro yo Half Baked. It was good and was the perfect bit of dessert to cure my sweet tooth (although technically, a sweet tooth is never cured because you just want more and more and more….) Sweets and desserts are definitely my downfall. I eat pretty healthy overall but I always want dessert. Yesterday, I did a decent job of having sweets in moderation.

Last night, my two roomies and I enjoyed a relaxing night with some Pinterest inspiration. (I’m a Pin-addict.) First, my amazing chef roomie made cauliflower healthy pizza. I wish I could take the cred for this master piece:

Later in the evening, we played around with trying to create sock buns. It was a bit of a fail for me although I actually have an attempted sock bun in my hair for today. I apologize if my hair is a hot mess to all viewers.
(With a little help, I finally managed to get a decent looking bun.)
Lots of exciting things happening around ‘Lexy Learns!’ Have a good Tuesday.
Two interesting articles I read this morning in Fitness Magazine: