So last night I got cookin’ in the kitchen. After seeing Abby’s post a few days ago about making homemade peanut butter, I decided to give it a try!

It was so easy. I had extra peanuts that I wanted to use so I tried to make Lara Balls with raisins instead of dates.

I would definitely recommend sticking with the dates because the raisin consistency didn’t work as well. Next, I made some soup.

Finally, I decided to get my life together even more and make breakfast for the next 2 days.

This morning’s breakfast came together so easily. Almost too easy because I ate right when I woke up and skipped working out.
After eating, I got back in bed (with my pillows propped up so I didn’t fall back asleep of course) and read. It was so nice. I don’t remember the last time I had a leisurely morning. I’ll have to do this more often. 😀
Have a great Thursday!
What’s your favorite thing you’ve learned or made since joining the blog world?