Happiness in a Bowl
Good morning. Last night before going to bed, I started reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin. I really like it so far. It is about a normal woman who just wants to be happier in her everyday life. In the first few pages, I’ve already learned some great things like how people are more likely to commit to something when it is monitored daily and tracked. I am using these ideas for my own goal of getting in better shape and being less dependent around my next meal.

This book is definitely inspirational and I like to think that I carried that feeling to the gym this morning. I woke up just before 6am (this is actually getting much easier now, especially since I feel so lazy when I sleep-in and skip my workout) and headed out the door to the gym after drinking some almond milk, brushing my teeth, and washing my face.

I’ve been drawing some workout inspiration from Pinterest and other bloggers so that I don’t get bored or plateau in my workouts. Today, I did intervals for 30 minutes on the tredmil. I used the incline to do some power walking plus some frequent sprints to really feel the burn. (I also downloaded some new iTunes songs this morning to get me going on this Monday morning.)

After my cardio, I decided to do a leg workout. I did 3 sets of squats and 3 sets of lunges. I then ended with an ab workout (as per use) of 3 sets containing 30 second planks and 15 second planks on the right and left side.
My workout was a success this morning! And believe me, it is not everyday that I can say that. I think my new attitude on getting up and out to the gym quickly is really working. When I got back home, I had oatmeal for breakfast. I actually prepared my oatmeal the night before and it was delicious. (oats, cinnamon, honey, almond milk, pinch of salt) It tasted almost like cookie dough. Yum.

Alright, off to a healthy day. Here’s hoping! 🙂
Some “No way!” Articles:
- Skipping breakfast increases your risk of obseity by 450% – Eat This Not That
- Boost your metabolism with this 10-Minute workout – Fit Sugar