Friday Energy
TGIF! I kick started my morning with a short Pilates sequence on Comcast Xfinity followed by a bowl of overnight oats.

It was good to get a little workout in this morning, especially since I was up pretty late the night before and I’m not at all a morning person. In fact, my body has pretty much decided for me that I don’t like morning workouts. After 5 months, you’d think that I’d be used to getting up early to hit the gym. Not the case with this girl. Oh well, I’ll just have to settle for my low key morning workouts and stick to kick butt evening workouts.
Speaking of which, I made it to the gym yesterday evening around 8:00 pm- a tad too late for my liking (I had some shopping to do and I went to Old Navy and Rack Room Shoes- what’s up savvy shopper :D).

I made a healthier version of macaroni and cheese last night and it was pretty good! I put some broccoli in the food processor and then transferred it over to my pan with garlic and olive oil. I then almond milk and some grated cheese to the mixture. Last, I added in my already cooked pasta noddles. Yum! I enjoyed my meal and a couple of my baked goods for dessert. I watched an entire episode of Gossip Girl waited for my food to digest before hitting the gym. Since I’ve been taking days off like it’s my job, I decided to do 45 minutes of cardio followed by some random, keep-me-entertained weights.
I’m off to Lynchburg for a very relaxing and sedentary weekend with Lee. (He just had surgery so we will be doing a lot of chilling!) Hopefully all of this relaxing over the holidays will get me pumped to hit the gym next week.

Hope everyone enjoys the last weekend in 2012! It’s been a good year. 🙂