A Fit Tip
Weight loss and nutrition is 80% what you eat and 20% how you workout. I heard this tip over the weekend while watching an interview with a muscle building doctor on TV. I agree with this idea. Often times, we think that working out allots us extra meals and indulgence. I think that in moderation, this is true, but not every day. I find that the most successful fit people are the ones that don’t think about their meals or count calories. That being said, everyone has their own strategy, but overall, it seems like the less we focus on every meal, the more likely we are to just eat to live. Make your mind focus on something else besides consumption. Mind over matter. 🙂
I think this post may have something to do with my mini-hiatus from working out. I wasn’t able to hit the gym yesterday but believe me, I’ll be there this evening! The holidays and being under the weather have thrown my schedule for a loop. This morning I was all mixed up on my time and thought I had plenty of time to do yoga when really, I had 15 minutes until I had to be at work! I still managed to eat a breakfast of cashews and peanuts, pack my lunch, and enjoy a hot drink before this realization. Success.

Have a great Thursday!
Question of zee day: Do you agree that fitness is 80% what you eat?