Fast workouts and freedom
To me, Sundays are relaxing once I finish my workout. Once I’m all showered and cleaned up, I have the rest of the afternoon (or evening more realistically) to myself. My roommate and I have gotten in the habbit of going on a long run on Sunday afternoons. We then cook our dinners and watch some television show of the minute. (I’m definitely a new-be in the kitchen and I’m exploring all different types of healthy meal options.)

Today, I completed an awesome speed work out. I ran around my block two times for a total of 12 minutes and then did some weights at the gym with no rest. I was sweating like crazy. These are always my favorite workouts, at least once I’m finished with them! I did two back weight exercises followed by two chest workouts and finished with an ab workout.
Weekends are always a little too fun for me, if you know what I mean. I consume more food, drinks, and desserts then the week day and so I’m often left feeling sluggish and lazy on Sundays. So what better reason to get another work out in, right? Well, it actually helps me jump start my day and prevent those annoying sleepy and lazy Sunday feelings.

Later in the afternoon, I went for a very light run aka a little walking mixed in with some chatting. This evening, I’m going to make some sort of salad for dinner. Since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I’m trying to stay in shape so that I won’t feel so guilty when I consume a 1,000+ calories in less then an hour. 🙂
I’m also in the process of finding some new semi-healthy dessert options. I’m a huge sweets lover and I’m finding more and more great recipes and sites that show how to satisfy sweet a sweet tooth without compromising your health. Chocolate Covered Katie is an awesome blog that shows exactly how to accomplish this not so easy task. So far, I’ve made cookie dough truffles (made with beans!) and some homemade lara bars.

My roommate and I made these together. We just combined one cup of peanuts to one cup of dates in the blender (it’s best to use a food processor but we have yet to get the real kitchen essentials yet! So we really are new at healthy eating!). Using a smoothie blender was no easy task by any means. After a lot of work, we split the batter between the two of us and we made our own little ‘Lara balls’ with different flavors. I made plain, coconut, pumpkin, and chocolate chip. Yum!
I will definitely be detailing some of the new recipes I concoct in the kitchen as well as great workout routines and tips overall health tips.
Have a relaxing Sunday!
Some interesting articles:
- Gluten-free does not always mean healthy – Eat This Not That
- Healthiest Packaged Foods – Prevention
- 56 Tips and Tricks to Lose Weight – FitSugar
- 30-Day Abs Challenge – Women’s Health