Cleanse the Day
I’m doing a one day cleanse today. After a lot of research Googling, I’ve decided to try the homemade drink cleanse that’s made of lemon, water, cayene pepper, and honey. I don’t think I’ve ever done a cleanse so I’m a little nervous about it. This morning, I was a little discouraged about missing breakfast but I found a really great article that basically said a cleanse shouldn’t be painful or too uncomfortable so I thought, I’ll just start the cleanse and if need be, I’ll cave. Kind of. (It’s more of a mental game where you say, “just for today” or “just for this hour” so that you don’t have to focus on the length of time.) So far, so good.
This cleanse was derived from my treturous devouring of cookies and appetizers last night at the cookie exchange gathering. I literally felt sick when I got home. It was not a good feeling.

I was then inspired to look into one-day cleanses just to clean out my system (not for weight loss). I’m definitely a little skeptical about cleanses but I figured if I put my mind to it, I could get er’ done. Can you tell I love a challenge?

So far, I’m actually feeling really good. Surprisingly, I’ve felt a slight burst of energy and confidence. I’m sure come mid-afternoon, I will be pretty grumpy but I’m staying positive.
I woke up this morning still full from the night before and hobbled over to the gym. (Okay, maybe not literally hobbled.) I did 25 minutes of incline walking on the treadmill followed by 100 ab crunches. It was hardly a workout but I rolled with it. 🙂
Have you ever done a cleanse? If so, which one? If not, are you against the idea?
I will have my answers tomorrow, that’s for sure! Have a good Thursday. How appropriate that I do a liquid diet on ‘Thirsty Thursday 😉
Related articles:
- “Are Detoxes and Cleanses Safe and Effective” – Mark’s Daily Apple
- “Curb Your Sweet Tooth” – Women’s Health