Christmas Cookies and Fashion Shows
Good morning! Last night, I made a batch of delicious oatmeal mini m&m cookies from Sally’s Baking Addiction to take to my cookie exchange party this evening. Naturally, I ate way too much cookie dough (the best part of cookies, really!) but I enjoyed every bite of that dough. Oh it was so good!

The recipe said to refrigerate the dough for at least an hour so, in light of trying to follow baking recipes, I did as told. After sticking the dough in the refrigerator so I would stop eating it, I was off to my friend Colleen’s house for dinner. She made a delicious meal for us.

After dinner, we went on a hunt for tacky Christmas sweaters. Let me tell you, these are not an easy thing to tack down. 😉 We went to 4 different places before we decided on opting for tacky sweatshirts (close enough) at KMart.

After a mad dash around Charlottesville, we came back to Colleen’s place to watch the much anticipated Victoria Secret Fashion Show. I enjoyed watching the show. Personally, I don’t understand all the controversy surrounding the models and think that they look pretty healthy- okay, maybe a bit on the thin side, but who am I to judge? Anyways, I liked the show and the artists who performed. It was a very entertaining show overall and I always get a little inspired by big shows with live music and all! It makes me want to put my high heels on and join the runway circus. That is, right after I finish my desserts.

Someones got to indulge around here. 🙂 Colleen had pumpkin ice cream and dunker chocolate chip cookies from Trader Joes. Yum! I was on a sweet tooth binder last night, that’s for sure.
I got home pretty late for me (11:30 is pushing it for this old-timey working gal) and so I decided to skip working out this morning. I did wake up in time to bake my cookies for tonight’s cookie party.

It was really nice having a leisurely morning. I made an omlet for breakfast and had a little bit of time to eat and read my book.

So my goal for the day is to abstain from sweets until my party this evening. This shouldn’t be that hard for most people but as a Cookie Dough kind of gal, it’s not so easy for me. 🙂 Maybe I will try to remember the Victoria Secret’s Angels diet when I’m craving a sweet this afternoon. Hope everyone has a sweet day!