A Not so Ambitious New Year’s Day
http://www.ioofgrandlodgeofohio.org Happy New Year! 2013 is here and I think the only noticeable difference for me is having to remember to write 2013 instead of 2012. It will probably take me until 2014 to write 2013.
Lee and I started our New Year’s Eve celebrations at his parents house for dinner. His Mom is a great cook and she always has desserts too. 🙂

For dessert, we had chocolate pound cake with the world’s best ice cream, Haagen Dazs Caramel Cone. I was too busy indulging to take a photo apparently!
After dinner, Lee and I headed downtown to celebrate with some friends.

We got to our friend Tim’s place and it was all I could do to stay away from this table…

Those are cookie dough cupcakes in the container. I went running distracted myself from this table and managed to eat just a couple peppermint cookies later in the evening. There’s something about being around a lot of people that makes it easier to stay away from eating every single cupcake eating a bunch of desserts. Plus it was time to go out and ring in the New Year.

If you’re ever in Lynchburg, Robin Alexander’s is a great place to go for dinner or drinks. I think Bethany would agree with me. 🙂
The next day, on New Year’s Day, we relaxed.

Lee made us a late morning breakfast and we had a low-key day. (Lee and I are usually more active and like running together but his ACL is still in recovery.) This was probably my first New Year’s Day that I didn’t work out since I was a child. Even though I don’t set resolutions, like workout 5 times a week, I still like to jump start the first day of the year in a healthy way. Since a workout wasn’t in the cards for Lee, I just enjoyed the time we had together. I plan to hit the gym this evening after work though for sure!
So when having a lazy day, go all out. We did just that and went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant. We ate chips and dip and I got the half size version of the chicken fajitas and they were great.

Talk about an unusual New Year’s meal! Since we didn’t exactly eat healthy or work out, I decided to skip desserts. Say what? I had to feel productive in some part of the day, so I went a whole day without sweets. Go me! 😉
How was everyone’s New Year’s Eve and Day? Did anyone eat black eyed peas for dinner?