A Fit Tip
Weight loss and nutrition is 80% what you eat and 20% how you workout. I heard this tip over the weekend while watching an interview with a muscle building doctor on TV. I agree with this idea. Often times, we think that working out allots us extra meals and indulgence. I think that in moderation, this is […]
Enjoying it for the Holidays
Christmas has come and gone and as I feel the post-holiday blues, I try to remember to be grateful for the wonderful, relaxing visit I had with my family and friends. Spending time with loved ones is really what it’s all about after all. It’s an amazing feeling to be home for the holidays surrounded […]
Christmas Sweets and Treats!
Merry Christmas Eve! I’ve really been living up to my name, Cookie Dough Katzen this weekend! Somebody call the nearest college because I just received my M.R.S.! Haha just kidding of course. 😉 Some may say that baking is bad if you are trying to stay fit or lose weight but I disagree. The best […]
Listening to My Body
Good morning and happy Friday! I can’t believe it’s already the weekend before Christmas. Where does the time go? Unfortunately, I’m a bit under the weather today. (I have some strange aversion to saying that I’m actually sick- so I’m just not feeling great today.) I’ve got a sore throat and I feel pretty tired. This started yesterday […]
Sticking to it
I’m not sure if it’s the holiday season or that I’ve been keeping busy but I’ve been really motivated this week to stay on track with my healthy eating goal (limiting my sweets and eating healthfully so I won’t feel so guilty after the holidays). My biggest trick that I’ve learned so far is to […]
A Pick Me Up
Hello! I’ve been on a cooking kick lately so I wanted to drift over to one of my favorite topics- inspiration. My favorite one is the black one about peace by Eckart Tolle. I’m a big fan of psychology quotes and discussions. 🙂 Which quote is your favorite? Have a […]

Pizza bites and Cookie Dough
Who knew that pizza and cookie dough, two of the best food groups, could be re-created in a healthy way?
Running after Dinner
Remember ants on a log? Such a classic. I’ve actually never been a big fan of celery, that is until I realized how versatile it is as a dipper. Cue delicious peanut butter. 🙂 In efforts to eat more veggies, I got a stalk of celery at the grocery store to have as a snack. […]

A Stuffed Red Pepper
I’ve been seeing recipes for healthy stuffed peppers in the blog world for a while (thanks Hannah and Chelsea!) and finally made one for dinner last night.