Back on Track
Now that the holidays are over đ I’m back on track with my workouts. đ Last night, I bared the cold to make it across the street to my apartment gym. (I’m so pathetic in the winter- I hate the cold!) I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and a circuit workout that I created […]
A Not so Ambitious New Year’s Day
http://www.ioofgrandlodgeofohio.org Happy New Year! 2013 is here and I think the only noticeable difference for me is having to remember to write 2013 instead of 2012. It will probably take me until 2014 to write 2013. Lee and I started our New Year’s Eve celebrations at his parents house for dinner. His Mom is a great cook […]
New Year New Resolutions?
I have no workouts scheduled for today. I’ll blame it on all of the travelling I’ve been doing and just feeling a little tired after being under the weather last week. Maybe today is the least popular day of the year to workout since everyone is enjoying their last day free of resolutions. Speaking of […]
Lynchburg Lovin’
Hi friends! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a very relaxing evening in Lynchburg and enjoyed good food, fun games, and great company. We went out to dinner on Friday evening to our favorite local spot, Vinny’s and on Saturday, we got to eat delicious crab cakes at Lee’s parents house. (Bethany– […]
Friday Energy
TGIF! I kick started my morning with a short Pilates sequence on Comcast Xfinity followed by a bowl of overnight oats. It was good to get a little workout in this morning, especially since I was up pretty late the night before and I’m not at all a morning person. In fact, my body has pretty much decided […]
Foodie Question
In an attempt to conserve food, I decided to cook my somewhat mushy blackberries (those things are too expensive to waste). I added an apple (also a little mushy), cinnamon, a little almond milk…. And then I added pickled cabbage. The famous last words, right? I actually saw a recipe for this combination on Pinterest. […]
Tea Time
Are you a tea drinker? When it comes to liquids, I’m pretty much just a water and alcohol drinker. This morning, however I was feeling pretty sleepy so I decided to try a little caffeine. I used black tea that one of my best friends brought back from England, so I made sure to hold out […]

Bestowed Giveaway
Can you believe it’s already Thursday? This week flew by for me. I have an exciting product review and give away today! I was fortunate enough to receive a Bestowed box full of healthy eats. Bestowed is a monthly delivery box full of great healthy foods. The bright orange box had all kinds of cool […]