Home for the Weekend
Where oh where have I been? That’s what I love about the warmer seasons- there’s so much to do and life seems to pick up and activities take the place of ennui (vocab word of the day). I made a delicious veggie-filled pasta last week for dinner. I got to go home and visit my […]

Marvelous Monday
It’s always hard returning to the week after a fun weekend, so I’m jumping on board with Katie for Marvelous Monday. Marvelous is attending UVa’s class of 2013 graduation this weekend: Marvelous is having amazing college friends that will always be there for you: Marvelous is having incredible parents who continue to inspire and support […]
Jump Up and Move
Thank you all for your creative ideas on how to use my crazy fruit concoction! I’ll be sure to post what I create! Check out my array of foods from dinner last night: Today, I thought I would sway from my kitchen experiences and talk about another one of my interest, fitness. Working out, whether it […]
Foodie Question
In an attempt to conserve food, I decided to cook my somewhat mushy blackberries (those things are too expensive to waste). I added an apple (also a little mushy), cinnamon, a little almond milk…. And then I added pickled cabbage. The famous last words, right? I actually saw a recipe for this combination on Pinterest. […]
Play with Creativity
It’s Friday and time to play! We go-go-go and when it’s time to relax, we’re sometimes at a loss of what to do next. That’s when I turn to playing creatively.

How to avoid eating all the brownie batter
I left my job! Today is my first day as a free bird. What’s first?