I don’t know about you…
Happy 2022!

I’m over here kickstarting the year with a new book, and a new (and first) child! While I’m reading and learning to be a parent every day, I wanted to share some useful quotes from a spy who wrote a book on parenting. The book’s takeaways qualify for any and everyone.

“In short, what you visualize and do in practice is what you’ll do.”
-License to Parent: How My Career As a Spy Helped Me Raise Resourceful, Self-Sufficient Kids, Christina Hillsberg and Ryan Hillsberg

“If the office plants seeds along the way using key phrases, the asset may even think the clandestine relationship is their idea.”
-Christina & Ryan Hillsberg

“…it’s critical to understand what motivates them because you can use that information to help you craft the perfect recruitment proposal.”

“When they make an effort to connect with someone using that person’s interests and frame of reference, this can help them understand the other person’s perspective.”

“…model it for them. Have you changed the way you usually do something because you found a better way? It can be something simple, like the way you’ve been cutting thier apples. Share that with them. Di you think something was true until you read more and learned the opposite? Use that as an example to teach them. One of the most powerful lessons for kids is when parents can admit they’re wrong, because, as they’ll someday learn firsthand, even adults don’t have it all figured out.”

“So instead of shying away from technology out of fear of what our kids may be exposed to or mistakes they make, let’s help them learn how to safely use it in a way that helps them to be savy and successful throughout their lives.”

“Parenthood is the Cure of Perfectionism”

I like this quote because with more added tasks, it’s easier to become too busy to focus on micro obsessions like perfectionism.

“Remember that this concept that perfectionism is the enemy of the good starts with you. When you model a more balanced approach, rather than a perfection-seeking one, you’re showing your kids that they can do this too. And the less they fear failure, the more confidence they’ll have to try new thing and add to their repetoire of skills and knowledge. Just think of all the material they’ll have for You Me, Same Same!”

Hoping this resonated with someone out there. Have a good one!