Think like an Adult, Act Like a Kid
It’s interesting to see the relationship most children have with food. I was thinking about this the other day. It seems like most kids eat to live, not live to eat. This relationship can also be compared with wearing a coat as a kid. I never wanted to wear a coat because it was constricting. I couldn’t ride my bike or build a fort as easily when I was wearing a bulky coat. The same goes with food. I didn’t want to over eat because it would limit my movement. Kids run when they want to get somewhere, not walk. They are always on the go. Perhaps if we started acting more like our childhood selves, we’d find a true healthy balance to nutrition and fitness.
And with that, last night I made dinner with a friend and we went to yoga class afterward.
After searching through a few recipes online, I decided to make goat cheese quinoa. Get ready for lots of quinoa meals to come.
I cooked the quinoa on the stove with water for about 15 minutes. In another pan, I cooked broccoli and spinach in olive oil and pepper. Then, I added goat cheese, Chobani plain Greek yogurt, Italian seasonings, and garlic salt to the quinoa and finally the veggies.
After dinner, we headed to the gym for Hatha yoga. It was a very low intensity class but relaxing, nonetheless!
With all of those depleted calories, we had to go restock. 😉
By the looks of that master piece, I clearly acted like a kid but I thought like an adult and managed to get less than $3 worth! (Let me just say, that never happens, ever. I’m usually relieved if my bowl is under $5.) Maybe the yoga class improved my will power. 🙂
And with that, have a great weekend everyone!
What were you like as a kid when it came to nutrition and fitness activities?