
So last night I got cookin’ in the kitchen. After seeing Abby’s post a few days ago about making homemade peanut butter, I decided to give it a try! It was so easy. I had extra peanuts that I wanted to use so I tried to make Lara Balls with raisins instead of dates. I would definitely […]
Thursday Thursday!
On Tuesday, we went to Mas to celebrate our anniversary. Mas is one of the few Spanish tapas (small dishes) restaurants in the area and it’s quite tasty. We wasted no time and began drooling over the menu, picking out tons of creative dishes. The food was delicious. My favorites were the salad, the artichoke […]
Healthy Snacks
Last night was a cooking kinda’ night. I wanted to make some things that I could snack on for the week that were healthy and tasty so I opted for some homemade popcorn (if you can call popcorn homemade) and LaraBars (definitely homemade). For the popcorn, I just popped the kernels in canola oil over […]