
Marvelous Brownie Batter Dip
It’s not a Monday without Marvelous Monday. I can’t tell you how much Marvelous Monday has reshaped my entire week!
Lots of Cookie Dough
Good morning! This weekend I went home to visit my parents. They are both stellar cooks so I enjoyed myself! I decided to get a little crafty for dessert and attempted to make a 5 minute chocolate cookie I found on Pinterest. The consistency was a little off (probably because I used Greek yogurt in […]
Unique Eating Habits!
I just successfully made a healthy pizza for lunch today while at work. Woo! And the best part? It’s not only edible but it tastes delicious! I just used a corn tortilla (maybe a strange choice but I didn’t have wheat on hand) and used tomato paste and seasonings to create the sauce. Then, I just piled […]
Fueling Up at Breakfast
I got a move on and headed straight to the gym this morning- I just brushed my teeth, washed my face, and threw on my exercise clothes to get to the gym. I’m usually the type to eat something right when I get up so this was a change for me. I was a little […]
Tips for Staying Fit
This morning, I was chatting with my Mom and she was giving me some great advice on staying fit and trim through the holiday season. Here are some of her helpful tips: Drink lots of water throughout the day (sometimes we may think we are hungry when really, we are just thirsty) Always look your […]
Too Soon to Tell?
Yesterday evening, I went to the gym and had an awesome workout. It blew my morning work outs out of the water and then some. Perhaps I’m more fit for an evening workout (pun intended!). I did an awesome cardio workout that helped keep me from getting bored- I did 10 minutes on the bike, […]