Hardworking and ThoughtFULL Houston
Sitting here in the airport nibbling inhaling my ThoughtFULL Superfood Bar and seaweed snacks, I can’t help but feel pleased from the past couple days I spent working with a stellar startup in Texas.
Sitting here in the airport nibbling inhaling my ThoughtFULL Superfood Bar and seaweed snacks, I can’t help but feel pleased from the past couple days I spent working with a stellar startup in Texas.
I’ve found the world’s greatest brownie recipe. As you know, I’m a dessert connoisseur. I pride myself on my highly discriminating brownie tastebuds.
I’ve always been told baking is a science. You’re not supposed to throw together ingredients like in cooking, but for some reason, I insist on rebelling because hello, recipes are boring.
How was your Memorial Day weekend? I spent mine attending a gorgeously rustic wedding and come Monday, it was all about relaxing pool side in celebration.
Did you know there are large pizzas out there for only $2.99? I kid you not.
I attended a Debi Shawcross cooking class in Richmond on Wednesday night with my mom.