The Marvelous Beach
A weekend away with your family is a recipe for instant nourishment. That type of nourishment too. đ I spent the weekend in Virginia Beach with my parents. Our trip is definitely making my Monday marvelous today. Besides great meals and beach time, we managed to get some exercise in as well. We relaxed on […]
A way to Relax
Thank you for all the sweet comments on Monday’s post! I finally tried this rather strange breakfast combo it and, it did not disappoint. Whole wheat bagel, grape jelly and avocado. Speaking of food, I haven’t written about fitness in a while. I’ve mostly been doing a strict routine of attending classes and running. I […]
Cheery Monday
Welcome to Marvelous Monday hosted by Katie from Healthy Diva Eats! Unfortunately, I’m a little under the weather so I’m stocking up on hot tea and water. Sickness aint’ got nothin’ on me! Enough sickness woes, let’s get to the marvelousness. Marvelous is margs and Mexican with lovely company. Marvelous is tailgating, UVA style. Marvelous is blue-eyed […]

Hold the Burger
Hold the burger, not the fries. Â The fries are always the best part of the meal, right?
Made in America
Like a flash, it’s Monday Tuesday! Hope everyone had a marvelous Monday. This past Friday, I went to Citizen Burger Bar with some co-workers and I wanted to share their Beet salad combo that I love. It’s served in a large bowl of blueberries, beets, goat cheese, apples, and candied walnuts over a bed of […]

Slow Down for Cheap Pizza
Did you know there are large pizzas out there for only $2.99? I kid you not.

A Cooking Class in Richmond
I attended a Debi Shawcross cooking class in Richmond on Wednesday night with my mom.