
Workout Classes
Since I started working for myself, I’m fortunate to have a lot more time on my hands. More time means more fun in the gym. I know that sounds ridiculous, but workout classes can be exciting.


A Grand Vegas Adventure
Ever heard that expression, wherever you go there you are? As a traveler, I’m constantly experiencing novelties, making new connections and broadening my outlook. It’s easy to thrive off consistent change. The uncertainty blurs boundaries, but no matter your destination, you are still you underneath it all, and that’s a beautiful thing.

These Mistakes I’ve Made
The results we fear from taking a risk are never as bad as we anticipate. Whether we see it right away, or later on, the negative results actually help us improve our lives.
Adventurous Races
Grab a lounge chair and a mint julep, yesterday was the annual Foxfield Horse races in Charlottesville.