
A Beachin Giveaway!
These past few days has been all about that beach ’bout that beach, no troubles.

A Beachin Giveaway!
These past few days has been all about that beach ’bout that beach, no troubles.

Loving you whether, whether
I got to attend our friends’ wedding in Winchester, Virginia this weekend. Entertainment was at the fore front between love and joy.

Sense the Scent
Never forget. Sometimes no words are needed. Whether it’s a day of remembrance or a national holiday, I find that less is more. Just being there will suffice. And some new Calvin Klein makeup can’t hurt either.


The Process through Food
When you’re having a moment (you know, one of those moments where nothing seems to be going your way), here are some steps to take:
Squaw Valley Style
We left Silicon Valley at 6:00 pm on Friday night: 4 hours, 3 girls, 2 orders of curly fries, and 1 Taylor Swift CD later, we made it to our quaint cabin tucked in the woods of Tahoe City for a weekend of boarding & skiing.

Making Mistakes
Human: <noun> of or characteristic of people’s better qualities, such as kindness or sensitivity, especially in being susceptible to weaknesses.