
Cookie Dough for Breakfast
This morning I wanted baked oatmeal, but time was not in my favor. I decided to try my hand at no-bake cookie Dough for Breakfast.

Pasta and Pie
Before I started cooking, I never thought certain pairings could work. Some discoveries I’ve made:

Throw it Together
When it comes to cooking, I rarely measure ingredients. I’m more of a throw-it-all-together and hope for the best type of cook. I like perusing Pinterest to get ideas for recipes. But actually. Often times, I’ll find a great flavor combination, like adding pesto to a salad, and create my own version of a recipe. […]

Foodie Question
In an attempt to conserve food, I decided to cook my somewhat mushy blackberries (those things are too expensive to waste). I added an apple (also a little mushy), cinnamon, a little almond milk…. And then I added pickled cabbage. The famous last words, right? I actually saw a recipe for this combination on Pinterest. […]
Tea Time
Are you a tea drinker? When it comes to liquids, I’m pretty much just a water and alcohol drinker. This morning, however I was feeling pretty sleepy so I decided to try a little caffeine. I used black tea that one of my best friends brought back from England, so I made sure to hold out […]