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The People Along the Trip
From Mississippi up through Alabama (stopping at Dreamland for BBQ nachos!) to Nashville, TN then east to Atlanta, GA, and north to Charlotte, NC, our quest up north is in full swing.

Alone on the Road
Oh hey blog hiatus, how you doin’? From long days of the southern hot sun to wifi glitches, I haven’t found time to sit down and just write. Long term traveling is exhausting, especially without loved ones, and that’s an understatement.

Create Your State
I got to galavant with my trumpet-clad pal, Mike to explore the University of Oklahoma (one of his alma maters) while in Norman, Oklahoma yesterday.

The Traveling Chucks
These shoes have been chucked through Colorado, Nebraska and Missouri in the past few days of wanderlust flow.

You, no, Idaho
Howdy from the great state of Idaho. What’s here? Other than the drum corps’ performance, I’m not quite sure. Just kidding, Kind of. Pretty views though.